How To Find the Real Working Home Jobs, That You Can Benefit From
Work from home typing jobs sound like a great answer to many people who currently find themselves unemployed. Millions of Americans are currently either unemployed or underemployed as a result of the economic downturn. If you find yourself needing to make extra money each month, or perhaps you want to replace your full time income, there are some options in work from home typing jobs.
Below are my top three options for work from home typing jobs in no particular order.
1. Join programs that pay you for specific actions.
Whether it is taking a survey, data entry, or posting comments on blogs, these can help you to earn extra money from home, and if you type quickly, it allows you to earn much more. Make sure that whatever company that you join is free. All of the pay to join sites are scams in my experience. Cash Crate is a reputable survey taking site that allows you to sign up for free and start earning money immediately.
This program offers a wide variety of writing jobs that allow you to make pretty good money working from home, and there is always plenty of work. It is not free, but you can try it for a week for only $4.95. Try it out. If it is a good fit for you, great! If not, cancel and you are only out $5.
3. Article Writing
While it is not a traditional work at home typing job, internet marketers are always on the lookout for good articles. The going rate for an article is $5-$10 per 500 word article. To keep it simple, you can advertise your service on and offer to write articles for for people for $5. Marketers will have a subject matter that they want you to write on, and a specific keyword or phrase that you will need to put in the article several times. With references and satisfied customers, you will be able to charge a bit more. But keep in mind, you are only charging $5 per article so you cannot spend much time on each. You should be able to research and write an article on a subject in roughly 20 minutes.
If you are a bit entrepreneurial yourself, you can take some of the skills that you are learning while doing these work from home typing jobs and start your own home based business. Affiliate marketing is a great business to get into if you like to write and are a fast typist.
Work from home typing jobs sound like a great answer to many people who currently find themselves unemployed. Millions of Americans are currently either unemployed or underemployed as a result of the economic downturn. If you find yourself needing to make extra money each month, or perhaps you want to replace your full time income, there are some options in work from home typing jobs.
Below are my top three options for work from home typing jobs in no particular order.
1. Join programs that pay you for specific actions.
Whether it is taking a survey, data entry, or posting comments on blogs, these can help you to earn extra money from home, and if you type quickly, it allows you to earn much more. Make sure that whatever company that you join is free. All of the pay to join sites are scams in my experience. Cash Crate is a reputable survey taking site that allows you to sign up for free and start earning money immediately.
This program offers a wide variety of writing jobs that allow you to make pretty good money working from home, and there is always plenty of work. It is not free, but you can try it for a week for only $4.95. Try it out. If it is a good fit for you, great! If not, cancel and you are only out $5.
3. Article Writing
While it is not a traditional work at home typing job, internet marketers are always on the lookout for good articles. The going rate for an article is $5-$10 per 500 word article. To keep it simple, you can advertise your service on and offer to write articles for for people for $5. Marketers will have a subject matter that they want you to write on, and a specific keyword or phrase that you will need to put in the article several times. With references and satisfied customers, you will be able to charge a bit more. But keep in mind, you are only charging $5 per article so you cannot spend much time on each. You should be able to research and write an article on a subject in roughly 20 minutes.
If you are a bit entrepreneurial yourself, you can take some of the skills that you are learning while doing these work from home typing jobs and start your own home based business. Affiliate marketing is a great business to get into if you like to write and are a fast typist.